Creative and affordable wedding ideas to create a romantic wedding

/October 2021

Whether it is a bride or a bride who wants to hold a different wedding, how can we mobilize the atmosphere of the whole wedding so that the guests who attended the wedding will have a deep memory? If you have to be different in the wedding process, you can beat others. Then the editor will introduce a few points for you.

Create romantic wedding ideas and affordable wedding ideas.

1. Hi Candy Treasure

The newcomer hides the lottery ticket in the wedding candy in advance and sends it randomly. At the beginning of the lottery session, everyone worked together to open the box of wedding candy.

2. You can choose tango when you dance the first dance with the groom

When you do a difficult spin and see that the guests can't close their mouths in surprise, you will feel that the previous efforts are worthwhile. Of course, this requires you to practice well before the wedding.

3. Guess with prizes

When signing in, the couple prepared three boxes with three different colors written on them. Ask the guest to guess what the color of the bride's second evening dress is? The guest puts his business card into the answer box of his choice, and the person who guesses it has the opportunity to get a mysterious gift from the new couple.

4. Duo Ensemble

A simple and warm double performance and the tacit cooperation of the two can instantly stir up the atmosphere of the scene.

5. Witness the handprint of love

The bride and groom each press a handprint on the heart-shaped red mud bricks to create a unique "handprint of love".

6. Collect guest blessings and call for children’s names for the wedding creative process

Some brides already have babies in their stomachs, and naming them themselves is also very troublesome. It is better to ask the guests present to help think about them and collect some nice and meaningful names. Then use these names for reference. In this way, guests feel that they will be very happy if they have done meaningful things.

7. Blessing card

Prepare a unified blessing card, and each guest will write down their blessings and their names when they sign in. Collect these blessing cards together, or put them in the lucky draw box or hang them on the background wall. When the wedding goes to the lucky draw, they will be randomly drawn from the card surface.

8. The process of wedding creativity. Give the wedding table a meaningful name

At the wedding banquet, you can give each table a name. The name can be the name of the flower or the name of the city you have traveled to. When guests come, telling them to go to "Lotus Terrace" sounds more poetic than telling them to go to "Taiwan No. 5".

9. The exquisite and intimate gift of the wedding creative process

When preparing a small return gift for the guests, a beautiful card can be attached to the candy or cake, and some sentences of care and blessing can be written on it.

10. On-site lottery to convey joy

When signing in, each guest who comes to the wedding will be issued a number, and then a random number will be grabbed by the way of lottery. Only the selected number will have the opportunity to get a gift from the new couple.

The above are the creative and affordable wedding ideas for creating a romantic wedding. If you want a different wedding, new and small ideas are indispensable.

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