Fun wedding games and game rewards make the wedding more interesting-1

/October 2021

Many people lament that the current wedding banquet is boring. Most people lower their heads to play on their mobile phones. They are all interactive wedding games, or they can’t think of interesting wedding games. They can only find simple and common games on the Internet. It's just as boring, so are there any creative and fun wedding games? Let's take a look together.

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1. Belly dancing

A pedometer is hung on the waist of the contestant. It would be wrong if it is faster than seeing who walks. The rule of the game is that the contestant cannot walk, and the pedometer is counted by shaking the belly. The image of the demons dances wildly.

2. Touch Mahjong

game rules:

Touch mahjong with your hands and see who touches it accurately. The advantage of this game is that the older generation can also participate.

3. The reverse

game rules:

The wedding emcee issued an instruction, and the contestants acted in the opposite direction. For example, if the emcee says "turn left", everyone will "turn right". The master of ceremonies said "lookup", everyone has to "head down". Persevere until the end can get a prize, the mistake is eliminated!

4. Men's and women's match work is not tiring

game rules:

Prepare 10 task cards. Each task is matched with men and women. Through the way of answering, grab the opportunity to get the task quickly. The task can be to hold the girl to do squats, and the two-person yoga insists on 10 seconds. It must be matched by men and women!

5. Great test of tacit understanding

game rules:

Variety shows often appear, one man and one woman team up on stage, one with his back to the LED screen and the other facing the screen. The person facing the screen will let the team members guess the words on the screen through performances or prompts, and the more guesses will win the prize.

6. Who is the lucky one?

When arranging the venue, greet the hotel in advance. Before the chair cover is covered, choose a chair at each table and tie a small flower on the foot. Prepare the same number of gifts as the table. This involves confidentiality, so let the bridesmaids or individual Staff guidance is enough.

When the on-site guests interact, let the master of ceremonies tell everyone the secret, and see who has a mark on the leg of the chair, who is the lucky one at each table, and you can go to the stage to get a lucky gift. Surprise everyone at the wedding banquet, so the atmosphere will be very good.

7. Drumming to pass flowers

From the bridegroom or bride to the beginning of the flowers, the master of ceremonies randomly stops the music. When the music stops, whoever gets the flowers will have to perform on stage. Although this game is old-fashioned, you can see that the guests are nervous and moving!