Group wedding testimony

/November 2021

The so-called collective wedding testimony refers to a genre and a wedding ceremony in which one or two people must be invited as witnesses when a group wedding is held together by multiple couples, and the testimony should be published at the wedding. In fact, in almost all countries in the world, the marriage of newlyweds is to invite others to witness the marriage. Group wedding testimony

Marriage is an extremely important event in everyone's life, and it can be said to be the other most important event besides the growth environment such as biological parents and the major life events such as reading and studying. Among all human relations in Chinese society, husband and wife or love relations are the foundation of all human relations, which are related to social justice and the healthy reproduction of the nation. In fact, in almost all countries in the world, this is for newlyweds who get married because of love. , It is necessary to witness the marriage, and the witness must publicly speak the marriage statement as a witness in front of all the guests attending the wedding, so that love can maintain the beautiful state of purity, loyalty, and lifelong life under public supervision And moral character. And in a group wedding, what does the group wedding testimony look like?

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First, one or more people can speak the marriage statement as a witness. Since a group wedding is held by multiple couples at the same time, and a group wedding is held together, there can be multiple witnesses, or one representative can speak. Under normal circumstances, it is sufficient to have one witness for the marriage of a couple, and it can also be two or more people.

Second, the witness must truly play the role of witnessing the marriage. In the statement of a collective wedding, any couple should logically have at least one witness, but because it is a collective wedding, you can choose a representative to witness the marriage for all guests attending the wedding, proving that all the new couples attending the wedding are based on The wedding ceremony is held for love. But no matter what, the witness must understand and understand the love situation of each couple, and can play a role in the marriage.

Third, the collective wedding testimony should be concise and concise, and it can play a role in the marriage testimony and be contagious. For the marriage testimony spoken by the witness to all the guests attending the wedding, the language must be concise and concise, which can play a role in the marriage and can infect the guests at the scene, vividly and powerfully. If the marriage testimony has literary talent, that's even better. The marriage testimony is generally written in advance.