How to choose a wedding? Avoid the pit strategy-1

/October 2021

Confused about weddings, how do so many wedding merchants choose? The wedding water is very deep, what should I do if I am afraid of being pitted by the wedding merchant? The contents of the packages seem to be the same. Why is the price difference so much? Choose a wedding designated by the hotel, or find a wedding alone? Faced with the questions of the newcomers, today I will explain them one by one. How to choose a wedding? Avoid the pit strategy

1. How do so many wedding businessmen choose

Weddings can be said to be the most complicated and worrying aspect of preparing for a wedding. Faced with incomprehensible technical terms and unique wedding businessmen, the newlyweds are often clueless and do not know how to choose. When I look at the case, I also feel that this one is good-looking, that one is good-looking, and the other company's publicity is also doing well, but I don't understand anything, and I look dumbfounded. So choosing a wedding is almost a big problem faced by all new couples.

Solution: The key is to visit the wedding merchant's store. In fact, choosing a wedding and seeing a Chinese medicine doctor have the same point, that is, you have to "see, hear, and ask," and "shop around". When many newcomers start to learn about the wedding company, they are often used to getting information and evaluation on the Internet first, but many people don't know it. These are limited and one-sided, so it is best to go directly to the wedding company store to inspect.

①Look at the store size and decoration design of the wedding business. From these small details, you can understand the scale, qualifications and design concepts of the business. After all, if the decoration of the store is not good, the effect of the wedding decoration will not be too good.

②Explanation and service of planner. These can understand the business's service attitude, professionalism, communication ability and creative level, which will directly affect the wedding effect, and these are also not available on the Internet.

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