Korean wedding process

/December 2021

The Korean wedding process refers to the procedures and content in the process of holding a wedding in a Korean manner. The Korean wedding process is fully integrated with Chinese and Western cultures. The first half is a Western wedding process, and the second half is a traditional Korean wedding process. As Korea inherits or completely inherits Chinese culture, the traditional Korean wedding process in the second half is the main one. content. Korean wedding process

Chinese people like to watch Korean dramas. Korean dramas are actually too beautiful, and there is always some disconnection from reality. However, many Chinese people must be impressed by the Korean weddings in Korean dramas. The process of Korean weddings is also very strange because Korea is mainly inherited in history. Chinese culture, especially Confucian culture, has been affected by Western culture due to colonization in modern history. Therefore, Korean weddings are a collision of Chinese and Western cultures. The process of Korean weddings classics shows the intersection of Chinese and Western cultures.

1. Western-style wedding. At the Korean wedding scene, after all the guests are seated, the master of ceremonies will first let the parents of both men and women step onto the stage to light candles that symbolize love and loyalty. The bride's mother lights blue candles, and the groom's mother lights red candles. After that, the groom strode onto the stage and gave a big gift to all the guests. He had to bow and bend over at ninety degrees. After bowing, he stood on the right side of the stage and waited respectfully to welcome the bride. At this time, romantic and elegant music was played on the stage. In the sound of music, the bride is slowly walked onto the stage led by her mother.

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2. Korean traditional wedding. After the first half of the Western-style wedding process is over, the second half of the wedding process is a traditional Korean wedding. At this time, the bride and groom have to go off the stage to change into a set of particularly meaningful costumes, that is, handmade wedding costumes. Such costumes are extremely expensive. In such a traditional Korean wedding process, there are five main ceremonies, namely, sitting ceremony, bowing ceremony, pouring ceremony, vow ceremony, piggyback ceremony. The sitting ceremony is the bride and groom sitting in front of a large table. The table is a variety of desserts prepared by the woman, such as red ginseng, dates, peanuts, rice cakes, etc., to thank the guests. In the piggyback ceremony, the bridegroom should carry the bride around the ancestral hall three times, and the bride’s feet should not be against the ground, which means that the bride must cleanly support each other after marriage.

The Korean wedding process is actually full of strong Chinese cultures, such as bowing and vows.