New Chinese wedding arrangement

/October 2021

The new Chinese wedding arrangement refers to the improved and simplified Chinese wedding arrangement. The layout of Chinese weddings in the past was too cumbersome, so many planners of wedding companies simplified the traditional Chinese wedding layouts, removing some of the details, and leaving behind the essence of Chinese style. New Chinese wedding arrangement

Contemporary young people are very fond of Chinese weddings because Chinese weddings can wear their favourite ancient bride and groom costumes, just like filming a TV series, experience being an actor or reminiscing about the wedding scene of an ancestor. Let's talk about the new Chinese wedding arrangement and its main points.

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One: The main feature of the new Chinese wedding arrangement is that all the wedding scenes are in red. In the middle of the stage of the wedding scene, a big double happiness letter should be posted. This letter can be said to be the soul of a Chinese wedding. If there is no double happiness letter, this wedding is an inauthentic Chinese wedding.

Two: The decorations of dragons and phoenixes, we must know that Chinese people compare boys to dragons and girls to phoenixes. Marriage between men and women is equivalent to combining dragons and phoenixes. The decorations presented by the dragon and phoenix can be used as the background of the stage, on the costumes of the bride and groom, or on the utensils of the wedding scene.

Three: Firecrackers. The Chinese always set off firecrackers on happy occasions. Although firecrackers cannot be set off indoors at the wedding site, they can be set off in the open space outside the wedding site. And you can also choose to hang firecrackers ornaments on the wedding scene, which can also bring a strong festive atmosphere.

Four: Chinese wedding decorations, Chinese wedding decorations can also use Chinese knots, you must know that Chinese knots were hung on jade pendants in the past, but Chinese knots are also Chinese style things, so they can also be used in Chinese wedding decorations. You can hang a festive red Chinese knot in the wedding scene to show a more Chinese style.

Have you seen the new Chinese wedding decoration above? In fact, the new Chinese wedding arrangement is not only one kind, it can be said to be a variety of styles. Some are added to the background cloth of the wedding scene to show the grace and luxury of peonies, and some lanterns used by ancient people are placed. A few blessed Chinese-style tables and chairs are covered by red curtains so that the newlyweds can worship at the scene.