Which dresses can you choose for Sen wedding photos? Give you a fresh and beautiful dream

/October 2021

Mori wedding photos are now a very popular type of wedding photography. Many newcomers will choose to take this style of wedding photos. There is a fresh, beautiful, and close-to-nature feeling. Then shooting Mori's wedding photos, what kind of wedding dress is suitable for wearing Woolen cloth? Let's take a look at the editor!

Our collection of wedding dress with removable skirt is designed to make you look ravishing. The collection is in different beautiful materials.

1. Which dresses can be chosen for Sen wedding photos

1. Color wedding dress

For Mori wedding photos, you can choose colorful wedding dresses, especially some fresher colors, such as blue, yellow, pink, etc., which contrast with the green of nature. They are also very beautiful. There are also three types of colored yarns, but the main ones are The feeling is all immortal.

● Princess type colored yarn

The princess-type colored yarn is closer to the feeling of Snow White. The small wooden house in the deep forest, the beautiful Snow White was saved by the affectionate prince, and lived happily ever since, so brides who like fairy tales can choose this kind of close to Snow White. The princess-shaped Caisha took Mori wedding photos, which is a very childhood feeling, but this kind of bride is relatively suitable for fair-skinned brides.

● Elf type colored yarn

The princess-type colored yarn tends to be dignified and generous, while the Fairy-type colored yarn has a sense of agility, and the color selection is more diversified and richer, but in the wedding dress style, it will be lighter, so that it can have a smart feeling. And with the wedding dress and the corresponding headwear, can the overall effect be maximized.

● Flower fairy type colored yarn

The color selection of the flower fairy type colored yarn is more abundant, and it can even be a little darker. You can choose the tutu-style colored yarn, or the relatively slim type of wedding dress like the one in the picture is also very good, mainly with wreaths, flower hairpins, etc. Headdress, creating a romantic atmosphere of spring, is a common choice of wedding dress style in Sen's wedding photos.

2. Lightweight wedding dress

Relatively speaking, in the Mori style wedding photos, it is not suitable for heavy wedding dresses, especially tail wedding dresses. Short, elegant wedding dresses are more suitable, especially light gauze wedding dresses in a little lace. It's already very romantic. This way, it is close to the natural style of the forest wedding photos, and secondly, it is convenient for the bride to walk around in the wooded venues, so as not to trip over or scratch the wedding dress.