Chinese Wedding Planning Scheme

/December 2021

Chinese wedding planning is to design a complete process in advance when the wedding is held. When the wedding is officially held, it can be carried out according to the designed process. The advantage of this is that the wedding can be carried out in an orderly manner. The auspicious time of the wedding will be delayed and the wedding can go on smoothly. Chinese Wedding Planning Scheme

Traditional Chinese weddings have become more and more popular among young people in recent years. Chinese weddings are very different from Western weddings in terms of style. Whether in the decoration of the wedding or the dress of the bride and groom, as well as various other details, Chinese weddings have their unique styles. Next, I will list two Chinese wedding planning schemes for everyone, hoping to give some inspiration to new couples and friends who want to hold a Chinese wedding.

The first plan:

1. Wedding venue and time: xxx hotel, October 3, 2019. If you want to hold a traditional Chinese wedding, you should also choose a good day in terms of time. When choosing, you can refer to the lunar calendar commonly used in my country, and then choose a suitable date for marriage. Chinese weddings are generally held indoors. When choosing, you can choose a hotel with a larger indoor space.

2. On-site decoration: When decorating, you can use more traditional Chinese elements. One of the most important elements is red. In traditional Chinese culture, red is considered a symbol of celebration and auspiciousness, so you must have read it when you get married.

3. Newcomer's clothing: dragon and phoenix gown. Chinese weddings need to wear traditional Chinese wedding dresses, and the dragon and phoenix gowns are a good choice.

The second plan:

1. The place and time of the wedding: xxx Hotel, May 8, 2019. When choosing a day, you can ask older people to help you choose.

2. On-site decoration: Red carpets, red balloons, and red candles or candle holders need to be prepared when decorating because they will be used in weddings.

3. Newcomer's clothing: Xiuhe clothing. The obvious difference between a Chinese wedding and a Western wedding is in the costumes of the bride and groom. Western wedding couples usually choose to wear wedding dresses and suits. If it is a Chinese wedding, the couple can show off their clothes, which is very elegant and elegant.

The above are two sets of Chinese wedding planning schemes for everyone. New couples and friends who want to hold a Chinese wedding can refer to these two plans when planning, and some of the factors can also be modified according to their own circumstances. For example, the time and location of the wedding can be determined based on your actual situation. I hope that the above content can help everyone.

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