Features of Western Wedding Ceremony

/October 2021

Many young people prefer sacred but simple Western-style weddings. The following editor will take stock of the characteristics of Western-style wedding ceremonies.

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1. Walk the red carpet

In the Western-style wedding ceremony, a red carpet will be laid, and then the father of the bride will entrust the bride to the groom. The red carpet is derived from the legend of Adam and Eve. God thought that Adam was too lonely to live alone, so he used Adam's ribs to turn into Eve and brought the woman to him. Therefore, in Western customs, the red carpet shows that women always need the protection of men. Before marriage, it is the protection of the father. After the marriage, the father gives the daughter to the groom, that is, the husband begins to protect the bride.

2. The bride should wear white gloves

In the Middle Ages, gloves are generally a token of love for men and women. If the other party wears the gloves during worship, it means that he has agreed to his marriage proposal. Therefore, in modern Western weddings, this tradition is also placed in the wedding ceremony. superior.

3. Light the concentric candle

The bride and groom also need to light a white concentric candle above the western wedding, which means that the new couple will be separated from their parents and form a new family, and the two will also become one.

4. Exchange rings

The ring is round and never ends, so the ring represents the eternity of love. In Western weddings, the ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Because Westerners believe that the left hand is where luck lies, and the ring finger is closest to the heart. Putting a ring on the left ring finger means that the other party’s heart is locked.

5. The bride wears a veil

In Western-style weddings, the bride wears a veil. Nowadays, it is usually replaced by a veil, which symbolizes the purity of the bride.

6. White wedding dress

Western brides began to spread wedding dresses from the Victorian era. The white wedding dress symbolizes the purity and beauty of women. So far, the white wedding dress has become the most traditional and noble status for brides to get married.

7. Unique wedding cake

Western-style wedding cakes are indispensable and will also be specially customized. The bride and groom will kiss across the wedding cake, which also means that their future life will be very happy and sweet.