How to plan a creative wedding ceremony process?

/October 2021

There are many ways to create a wedding ceremony, and when we are preparing for the wedding in the early stage, what we need to do is to talk about these creative wedding ceremony procedures and make good strategies.

Planning, what exactly should be paid attention to, what process links are there, let’s take a look today.

1. Take a picture of a humanoid stand

I don't know if you like to take photos with that kind of humanoid props. Anyway, many people can't help but frame their heads in and take pictures no matter how many times they see them! If you prepare such a photo prop in the wedding photo zone, relatives and friends don't have to pose for a concave photo!

2. DIY creative arches

To make a unique arch, there is no need to decorate too much. When relatives and friends arrive, give each of them a flower, and let them decorate the arch with the flowers in their hands! During the ceremony, you hold hands and pass under the arch decorated by your relatives and friends. This is not only full of blessings from relatives and friends, but also a sense of accomplishment for them to participate!

Three, light stick party

If you are an indoor wedding, there is one thing that is easier to create atmosphere than applause and cheers, that is, light sticks! Buy light sticks with the same colour as the wedding theme, and you can also render a more dazzling overall light and shadow effect! With a light stick, not only can everyone fully integrate into the wedding, but the children can continue to play afterwards! Of course, this idea is only suitable for indoor dark-field weddings, or weddings where the ceremony is held at night.

Fourth, the special way of playing

Prepare some small bells in advance as a secret sign for your entrance ceremony! When approaching the ceremony location, let the little flower girl walk in front with a bell ringing, shouting: "The bride is here!" Ring the bell in your hand. It is best to buy the kind of bells with a soft sound and a particularly nice sound, with a feeling of live accompaniment!

The above are some of the creative wedding ceremony procedures we have listed for you. I hope to give you your reference.

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