Songs suitable for Chinese wedding

/December 2021

Songs suitable for Chinese weddings need to start from Chinese music culture. There are many types and styles of Chinese music. The music played at weddings is divided into lively, affectionate, and profound. Different types of music are suitable for different sessions. Lively music is suitable for the opening and toasting stages of the wedding. Affectionate music is suitable for the bride and groom swearing and drinking a cup of wine. The profound music is suitable for the stage of inviting parents to drink tea and change their mouths. Songs suitable for Chinese wedding

Playing different music at different stages can make the overall feel of the wedding just right. Now let’s count the songs suitable for Chinese weddings.

Lively: "Happy", "Full Moon", "Get married", "Set off your hijab", etc. This music as classic Chinese wedding songs brings joy and excitement to the wedding of many couples. The characteristics of a Chinese wedding are mainly reflected in the music. The better the choice of music, the more obvious the theme of the Chinese wedding. Using lively music as the beginning and end of the wedding also means good wishes to the couple.

Affectionate type: "Fishing Boat Sings Evening", "The King's City", "High Mountain and Flowing Water", etc. The oath of the new couple is a very sacred link. Under the witness of their relatives, the two people make a promise to keep each other for a lifetime not only requires courage but also requires courage. firm. This affectionate music can make the couple's feelings continue to heat up, and the melodious music will push the wedding atmosphere to a climax.

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Profound artistic conception: Guqin, Dongxiao, Huangpu, Guzheng, etc. The music played with these instruments carries a natural artistic conception. In the constant switching of music, the wedding is gradually coming to an end, and the life of the new couple has just begun.

It is very important to choose a song suitable for a Chinese wedding. Therefore, you need to pay attention to these small issues when choosing. First, you must grasp the time of the music. If you use a lot of music, it is best to choose music that does not exceed four minutes. . Secondly, we must grasp the style of music. In addition to the type, music has its own style. For the parents of the woman, it is a bit sad for her daughter to marry, but music cannot be used to infinitely amplify the sad emotions. Finally, we must grasp the rhythm of the music. It is not suitable for the wedding to play more rhythmic music, otherwise, it will easily cause chaos on the scene.

After understanding this music suitable for weddings and the precautions for choosing music, I believe that every couple will choose the right background music for their wedding.