Westward Journey Theme Wedding

/November 2021

Themed weddings have become the choice of many young people because themed weddings have many individual elements, which are different from traditional weddings and can leave a deep impression on people. The history of theme weddings has a long history. In the beginning, the styles of theme weddings were only large categories such as European, American, and Japanese. Westward Journey Theme Wedding

And now the theme weddings are classified in more detail, and the Westward Journey theme wedding is one of them. Compared with traditional themed weddings, weddings in the style of "Western Journey" are more interesting and romantic. Now let's find out how to create a romantic and unique themed wedding.

Style positioning: The characteristic of the Westward Journey theme wedding is that it combines classic and modern. The emotional tone is based on origin, continuation and fullness. The whole wedding was full of fantasy, and there was no lack of modern popular elements. The key point is to highlight the specific elements of "The Great Sage Gets Married" so that the theme and the wedding are actually combined. Because the plot of "The Great Sage Gets Married" is very similar to the tone of a modern wedding, of course, more modern elements can be added to make this link more interesting.

On-site decoration: The preparation for the wedding is mainly on-site decoration. If you choose a big Westward Journey theme wedding, you must pay attention to the style and characteristics of the theme wedding during the process of setting up the scene. The main feature of Journey to the West is Chinese elements, so the layout of the scene should be mainly Chinese red. The preparation of props and costumes should give people a retro feel and create an atmosphere that travels through time and space. If the space provided by the hotel is limited, you can choose the most representative elements to decorate

Preliminary preparations: Preliminary preparations for the wedding are also the focus of the Westward Journey theme wedding. In the process of preparing for the wedding, the wedding company should communicate with the couple, initially determine the wedding plan and determine the main wedding props. The choice and determination of music should also be placed in this link, and the classic music of "Western Journey" is the key to highlighting the atmosphere. After determining the theme elements, the wedding company should arrange for the newlyweds to rehearse the ceremony and adjust the details during the rehearsal.

Although the theme wedding is unforgettable, it also requires careful arrangement. The advantage of a big Westward Journey theme wedding is that it can experience the feeling of travelling through time and space, and it makes the wedding more memorable. As we all know, the concept of love conveyed by "A Westward Journey" is to make people cherish the people in front of them, and once some people miss it, it will last a lifetime. And through such a wedding, the couple can understand each other better, and understand the difficulty of love and marriage.

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