Group wedding process

As a new type of wedding, group weddings are in contrast to traditional Chinese weddings. They were passed down from Western weddings. Group weddings have made the wedding more lively.
/November 2021

Group wedding testimony

The so-called collective wedding testimony refers to a genre and a wedding ceremony in which one or two people must be invited as witnesses when a group wedding is held together by multiple couples, and the testimony should be published at the wedding. In fact, in almost all countries in the world, the marriage of newlyweds is to invite others to witness the marriage. Group wedding testimony
/November 2021

What does the wedding supervisor do?

What does wedding supervision do? This question must first understand the definition of wedding supervision.
/November 2021

Wedding supervision process

​The wedding supervisor is like a "director", but this time the program is broadcast live, and there is no chance of "clicking".
/November 2021

Wedding Supervisor

The wedding supervisor is a soul figure who needs to be at the wedding scene, has professional knowledge and skills, and can listen to all directions and see all directions.
/November 2021

Duties of Wedding Supervisor

When it comes to weddings, I believe everyone knows what it is. But what is the emerging profession of wedding supervision?
/November 2021

Wedding supervisor gesture

The wedding supervisor gesture diagram is to explain the meaning of each command gesture of the supervisor in detail step by step.
/November 2021

Wedding supervisor dress code

The wedding supervision dress, literally, its meaning is very clear, that is, from the perspective of dress and appearance, make some commands and arrangements for the profession of wedding supervision.
/November 2021

Wedding stage design

The wedding stage design refers to the place where the master of ceremonies stations in the wedding ceremony, the place where the bridegroom and bride wear rings and say their vows of love.
/November 2021

Wedding stage size

The size of the wedding stage refers to the size of the main stage of the wedding site. The wedding stage is actually determined by the size of the wedding site.
/November 2021